Many players from my legion are not even logging in because the game is not rewarding to them. Pvp instances give you nothing when you are max geared and ques are sometimes 10 minutes or more. KOONS-KT The game definitely has some quiet hours when a lot of the NA players are asleep, but generally speaking I would say that no, the game is not dead because there is still a community large enough to play the content offered by the game. Gear-wise, it is easier than before to catch up with other players' PVP gear tier, but enchanting is where things get grindy.
The game now features "windstream" quests which are 2 quest lines which act as an interactive in-game tutorial for you. Log in and give it a try; I think if you enjoyed Aion then, there is a good chance you will enjoy it now.
Just your resident pessimist here to tell you the game we enjoyed since launch is dead, gone and not coming back. The Aion you are familiar with was completely killed when 6.
There are still enough people around to play but if you ask me, there really isn't anything actually enjoyable or rewarding about the experience anymore. As much as this game needs more life injected into it, I absolutely cannot recommend coming back to it or investing your time, energy, and effort into it in any way.
The game is dying. Is the game dead? If you log on more toward peak times, I guess you may find enough pvp to be satisfied.
I slowed down on the game a lot because nothing really feels rewarding anymore. Especially if you are new, the game will probably be dead by the time you actually get geared. My advice? Its a shame, as Aion used to be a great game and I absolutely loved it back in the day.
With the state is in now, its not worth your time and money. If you are the type of person who is easily frustrated and can't stand a publisher not supporting their game well, don't come back. If you can play casually and just laugh and shake your head at frustrating antics, then give it a try.
Vantheria-DN really has the right of it. Aion has been dying since the day it launched and there have been many points since then when players have proclaimed it "dead". And yet.. I think the point is that there are less and less of us. The population of this game is steadily declining. The profits from this game are steadily declining. I would say that the attention paid to it by the staff is steadily declining too, but it can't get much less attention that it does right now.
We do get these odd blips of attention.. The pace is slow, like it always was, it's just, now, there are so many systems in place, that playing catch-up seems to last forever. The big issue is i heard you cant even find groups anymore. I dunno man i really love aion i always did. Best mmorpg for sure. As a new players you're literally waste in pvp groups you won't contribute without gear, all you will do will be feeding enemies with points , in pve Think 2 months ago you could buy Merciless Gear for 90 days in the shop.
I agree with you for pvp, but for pve I kinda disagree Well it depends on what you call "new player". But with pve titan coins gears, beginners have a pretty decent first solution to gear themselves quickly.
I do what I can, they are happy about it they can do most instances without me anyway and now my dps is getting closer and closer to their because I gear myself slowly but surely when we share the loots. Now I go with them on higher level instances Stella NM and Prom HM for example , and we are bringing with us another new players who are now less geared than me. Of course sometimes some instances are a bit challenging, few fails happen, but it's funny! Still not endgame instances yet of course, but it should come soon in the next months!
Its pure gambling, frustration and lose of time. Why would someone ever enjoy the leveling part. Either buy a lvl 80 acc or powerlvl an acc from to get to the endgame content as fast as possible.
Just returned to Aion after a few years away. It's a hard slog back up with gear though. Also miss a lot of the old areas but it is what it is.
This makes me sad. Such a great mmorpg down the drain all those cool new features going to waste and its players moving to other old versions. I stopped playing when the professions were deleted… They were my fav part, collecting herbs, cooking, making jewelry… I never opened the game since then. That period was 2 years, when max lv was 60 EU server. I personally stopped playing after that one event that the boss of "destroyed" certain areas of the game and those areas got completely removed, even for players that didn't take part in the event.
It bothered me that they did something like that, because i hadn't taken part in the big event at the time. My best memories of this game was bonding with other players. There was a player named Asner who scolded me in poeta for randomly attacking chickens. The developers ruined their own game.
They randomly merged all of the servers, causing hundreds of people to have their characters deleted without warning. These dumb ass developers pisses off their entire player based by randomly merging all of the servers without warning, and hundreds of people lost characters they spent so much time leveling up.
They noticed that a lot of people quit the game, so they thought the solution was to unmerge the servers, but it was already too late.
Aion was at its best when l50 was cap. Pvp through rifting was the bomb, gear was not as important back then, but player skill was. I'd say that after 3. Sure, Tia eye was dope, but didn't last long enough, sadly patch 4. Such a shame, prior to patch 3. From one of the most engaging and story rich mmorpgs that ive played for years to…. Its just sad. Hundreds of hours spent in abyss, katalam open world pvp for Garrisons and sieges. Beautiful memories.
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