By the time he gets to exert the revenge, he is so late such that the real motive for the revenge has been forgotten. Characterization of Hamlet. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Characterization of Hamlet specifically for you!
Why does Hamlet kill Polonius? Do you think Hamlet is a problem play or a tragedy? Does Hamlet Love Ophelia? Why does Polonius think Hamlet is mad? What does the first soliloquy reveal about Hamlet? What conflict s does Hamlet Experience Inside Himself? This analytical essay on Characterization of Hamlet was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.
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Sign in. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Literature Poetry Lit Terms Shakescleare. Download this LitChart! Teachers and parents! Struggling with distance learning? Claudius is a conniving strategist who poisoned his own brother in cold blood. He remains calculating and unloving throughout the play, driven by his ambition and lust. When he realizes that Hamlet is not mad as he originally believed, and in fact poses a threat to his crown, Claudius quickly begins to plot Hamlet's death.
However, Claudius also has an honorable side. When Hamlet has a traveling troupe put on a play for the court that emulates the murder of a king, Claudius reveals his sense of guilt. He also decides to have Ophelia buried with ceremony, rather than as a suicide. His love for Gertrude also seems sincere. Polonius is the main advisor to the king, also known as the Lord Chamberlain.
Pompous and arrogant, Polonius is also the overbearing father of Ophelia and Laertes. She is obedient, agreeing not to see Hamlet anymore at her father's suggestion and spying on Hamlet when asked by Claudius. She believes that Hamlet loves her, despite his inconsistent courtship, and is devastated during a conversation in which he seems not to love her at all.
When Hamlet kills her father, Ophelia goes mad and drowns in the river. Whether this is a suicide is left ambiguous. Gertrude is rather weak and unable to match wits in an argument, but her love for her son remains strong.
She also enjoys the physical aspects of her marriage to Claudius—a point that disturbs Hamlet. After the sword fight between Hamlet and Laertes, Gertrude drinks the poisoned goblet meant for Hamlet and dies.
Was Hamlet really in love with Ophelia? Why does Hamlet encourage the actor to recite the speech about Pyrrhus and Priam?
Does Hamlet consider suicide? Why is Hamlet so cruel to Ophelia? Why does Ophelia go mad? Does Ophelia actually kill herself? What is the significance of the gravediggers? Characters Character List. Hamlet The Prince of Denmark, the title character, and the protagonist.