I dont care how many fish there are

Grant Murray, one of the authors of the study, acknowledges that competing messages may confuse consumers. Yet aquaculture can damage the ecosystem and pose a risk to human health via contaminants in fish feed. Aquaculture also creates issues around the rights of fishers and farm owners. Get new things in your inbox every week:. Share what you learned!

Still curious? Blue Bonds for Conservation help governments unlock funding for conservation—and could benefit millions of people in coastal regions. Fisheries are not the only resource being overexploited.

The ocean floor houses vast untapped reserves of oil, gas and rare minerals that are necessary for many new technologies. There is also growing potential for bioprospecting—the search for species whose biochemistry or genetic makeup could yield commercially viable products, such as pharmaceuticals.

Both bioprospecting and deep sea mining could generate significant wealth—and cause significant damage to ocean ecosystems, depending on how they are carried out. Current proposals to the UN treaty, based on the implementation of the precautionary principle, would require environmental impact assessments to be conducted before such activities could take place, or restrict or ban them altogether in new Marine Protected Areas.

The disputes that can arise from these disagreements play into a geopolitical background, of course, and could even lead to larger conflicts undermining safety in the ocean. In fact, US Coast Guard Commander Kate Higgins-Bloom has warned that a conflict over fisheries is more likely than one over territory in the near future. But there are other, even more eminent risks.

Mangroves, reefs and other coastal ecosystems also store large amounts of carbon , which is released to the atmosphere when these ecosystems are degraded or destroyed. And while these ecosystems are mostly coastal—part of national waters—they are affected by what happens on the high seas.

For other fish and crabs not listed above that were caught in these marine waters, follow the FDA guidelines. As contaminants are transferred to cooking liquid, you should also discard crab or lobster cooking liquid.

An environmental investigation is underway to determine if there is residual contamination in the Basin. Please check www. The public is also reminded that all New York City waters are closed to shellfishing harvest of clams, mussels, oysters or scallops.


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