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Sidereal Revolution. Are Saturn's rings made up of huge chunks of rocks and ice or small chunks of ice? Saturn's rings are made up mostly of ice with a little rocky stuff mixed in. The chunks are mostly small, from around an inch across to 15 feet, with a few bigger "icebergs.
Are Saturn's rings formed by comets? We aren't completely sure how the rings formed. But we think that they are from a comet or a moon that got too close to the planet and broke up.
The rings contain both rocky and icy material, so maybe it was a comet. If the comet that hit Jupiter had not hit it but gone into orbit around the planet, maybe it would have made rings like Saturn's. What gases can be found on Saturn? Much of the atmosphere of Saturn is made of hydrogen and helium, but there is also water vapor, methane, ammonia, and nitrogen.
Can we land on Saturn? Well, Saturn and the other giant gas planets is almost entirely made of gases — mostly hydrogen, helium, and methane. The atmosphere gets pretty thick, so it would probably seem more like an ocean than an atmosphere.
You couldn't land and walk around, but you could either "fly" through the outer atmosphere with a spacecraft built like an airplane or "swim" through the deeper layers with a spacecraft built like a submarine. Why is one part of Saturn hotter than the other? I'm not sure which part you mean. Just as on Earth, the north and south poles are colder than the equator. And the night side is colder than the day side. What is the distinction between satellites and moons?
Normally moons and satellites mean the same thing. On Earth, though, if we counted the man-made satellites, we would have to say that we have many more than just one "moon!
Editor's note: As of , Saturn has 53 natural satellites, also known as moons, and nine provisional moons, or moons that need to be confirmed by the International Astronomical Union.
Lesson plans, interactive activities, and other resources to help students learn about and explore our solar system.
Create a List. List Name Save. Rename this List. North is toward the top of Impact on the Ice. Hubble Space Telescope has peered deep into Uranus' atmosphere to see clear and hazy layers created by a mixture of gases.
This image has not Numerous stars provide a serene background in this view of Enceladus captured by the Cassini spacecraft while the moon was in eclipse, within Saturn's shadow The view looks up at Enceladus' south Starry Night. Astronomers are puzzling over a mysterious large circular feature located south of the equator and sl This radar image of Titan shows a semi-circular feature that may be part of an impact crater.
Very few impact craters have been seen on Titan so far, implying that the surface is young. Each new cr A New Crater on Titan? This image from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows a fresh scarp rimmed crater with many boulders on asteroid Vesta's crater floor.
These boulders have diameters of m, which is roughly the size of Boulders on Vesta. This Cassini spacecraft view evokes the exclamation, ''It's full of moons! It's Full of Moons! The shadows of Saturn's rings edge ever farther southward as Saturn creeps towards southern winter or northern summer.
Saturn is now almost exactly halfway between its equinox August and Halfway to Southern Winter. Blanket Installation. This image shows three slices of a class of meteorites that fell to Earth that NASA's Dawn mission has confirmed as originating from the giant asteroid Vesta.
Meteorites from Vesta. This image has not been validated or calibrated. For more information on raw images check out our Freque Enceladus Raw Image 6. This collage shows some of the most interesting geological sites that NASA's Dawn spacecraft has revealed at dwarf planet Ceres. Collage of Features on Ceres. The image comes from the last sequence of images Dawn obtained of the giant ast Shadows of the North.