If you call a sergeant major a private, I can guarantee you won't like the results. Along those lines, you should commit to memory the proper way to address drill instructors in your particular branch.
Just to add to the confusion, each branch does it differently. Don't worry; I give you the straight dope in Part IV. If you're joining the Army , Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard , it's important that you memorize the rules for a sentry. Instructors in these branches like to keep you on your toes by popping out of nowhere, and asking you something like, "What's the third rule of a sentry? If the Air Force is your choice of service, you don't have to worry about this memorization.
As an Air Force basic training sentry, you'll carry a book with you at all times during sentry dorm guard duty, and you can quickly look up the information, if needed. Warning: Many new basic training recruits make the mistake of thinking, "I don't need to get in shape in advance. Basic training will get me into shape. By far the biggest reason for getting "set back" in military basic training and not graduating on time is failing to meet the physical fitness graduation standards.
You have only a few short weeks in basic to meet very high physical fitness standards for graduation, and -- if you show up out of shape -- you can't do it. You won't fail military basic training for being out of shape the instructors won't let you , but they'll keep you in basic training as long as it takes for you to pass the standards.
If you have a little extra time, make sure that you look over military law and what constitutes a crime in the military in Appendix A.
You don't have to memorize this information, but you should know basic facts, such as if you disobey an order, you can go to military prison for more than five years. You'll do a lot of marching during military basic training. It certainly wouldn't hurt to practice the basics of marching and the standard drill commands or even join your school's marching band or Junior ROTC program for a little advance practice.
Going to military basic training isn't like leaving home to go to college. You can't just pack whatever you want to bring -- there are rules about what you must have, and more rules about what you can't have. Traveling to your basic training location usually involves a plane ride, but you can't simply buy a plane ticket and show up. Basic training doesn't officially begin until several days after you arrive although from your point of view, it may seem to begin earlier!
The first few days are spent in-processing -- that is, doing all the paperwork to tell the massive government information system that you're now part of the U. The term in-processing means more than just giving you a uniform and issuing you a military ID card, though.
Part III gives you an idea of what to expect during your first few days of basic. We can put you in touch with recruiters from the different military branches. Learn about the benefits of serving your country, paying for school, military career paths and more: sign up now and hear from a recruiter near you.
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John Winger : Yeah, would they send us someplace special? Recruiter : I guess that's "no" on both. Now if you could just give Uncle Sam your autograph John Winger : And then depression set in. General Barnicke : Where is your drill sergeant, men? John Winger : Blown up, sir! Soldiers : Blown up, sir! John Winger : Why'd the chicken cross the road? Soldiers : To get from the left to the right. John Winger : He stepped out of rank, got hit by a tank. Soldiers : He ain't no chicken no more.
Russell Ziskey : You could join a monastery. John Winger : Did you ever see a monk get wildly fucked by some teenage girls? Russell Ziskey : Never.
John Winger : So much for the monastery. John Winger : You can't go! John Winger : My philosophy: a hundred-dollar shine on a three-dollar pair of shoes. Sergeant Hulka : Okay, Mr. Push-ups, let's hear your story. John Winger : Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual. But now I know why I have always lost women to guys like you. I mean, it's not just the uniform. It's the stories that you tell. So much fun and imagination.
John Winger : Lee Harvey, you are a madman. When you stole that cow, and your friend tried to make it with the cow. I want to party with you, cowboy. If the two of us together, forget it. I'm gonna go out on a limb here. I'm gonna volunteer my leadership to this platoon. An army without leaders is like a foot without a big toe. And Sergeant Hulka isn't always gonna be here to be that big toe for us.
I think that we owe a big round of applause to our newest, bestest buddy, and big toe Sergeant Hulka. Sergeant Hulka : Well, okay, hot shot. We're gonna see what kind of soldier you are. Reveille is O five hundred. We're going to fall out with locker boxes and we're going to have a locker box inspection. And then we're going to do ten miles.
Rain or shine! So, you better hit them bunks my little babies. Or, Sgt Hulka with the big toe is going to see how far he can stick it up your ass! General Barnicke : Are you telling me that you men finished your training on your own? Russell Ziskey : John, do you think I'm officer material? John Winger : God, I'm worried about you. Russell Ziskey : Come on! I'm in good shape, I'm walking tall, I'm looking good.
First weekend in Europe. John Winger : Yeah. We're spending it in an airplane hangar Russell Ziskey : We've got each other. I'm Sergeant Hulka. I'm your drill sergeant.
Before we proceed any further, we gotta get something straight. Your mamas are not here to take care of you now. It's just you, me, and Uncle Sam. And before I leave you, you're gonna find out that me and Uncle Sam are one in the same. John Winger : Uncle Hulka? General Barnicke : Where have you been soldier? General Barnicke : What kind of training? Sergeant Hulka : You know something soldier, I've noticed that you're always last. John Winger : I'm pacing myself, Sergeant.
Sergeant Hulka : Move it! John Winger : Come on. Let's take the truck. Russell looks away from the manual to John, then up to the EM]. Russell Ziskey : Nooo. John Winger : Oh yeah. John Winger : Oh-ho, yeah.
Russell Ziskey : No, no. John Winger : Oh-oh Russell Ziskey : No. John Winger Russell Ziskey : No, John. John Winger : I'll drive.
Russell Ziskey : Okay. John Winger : Oh, it's not the speed really so much, I just wish I hadn't drunk all that cough syrup this morning. Sergeant Hulka : I'm talking about something important, like discipline and duty and honor and courage. And you ain't got none of it! John Winger : Those words mean so much to a man who scrubs garbage cans.
Look, if you don't want me in your Army, kick me out, but get off my back. Sergeant Hulka : Maybe you'd like to take a swing at me. Sergeant Hulka : Well, go ahead and give it your best shot. John Winger : I don't think I want to go to the stockade. Sergeant Hulka : I'll take my hat off. There we are, Winger.
Ain't no more drill sergeant. It's just you and me, kid, man to man. So go ahead, give it your best shot. Swing at me. Hulka, who ducks and punches Winger in his stomach, dropping him to his knees, gasping for breath]. Sergeant Hulka : [putting his hat back on] I'm willing to forget this little incident.
And I want you to think real hard about it. And maybe someday you'll understand what the hell I'm talking about. John Winger : Tito Puente's gonna be dead, and you're gonna say, "Oh, I've been listening to him for years, and I think he's fabulous. Sergeant Hulka : We got a full day ahead of us. We're gonna start out with a five-mile run. John Winger : I know that I'm speaking for the entire platoon when I say this run should be postponed until this platoon is better rested. Sergeant Hulka : Well, I'll tell you what, soldier.
Let's make it ten miles. Sergeant Hulka : You don't say "sir" to me, I'm a sergeant, I work for a living. Soldiers : Yes, sergeant! Sergeant Hulka : I didn't hear you! John Winger : Do you think this guy's over-doing it a bit? John Winger : [Winger and Hansen are trapped by enemy fire] You know who would love this?
John Winger , Stella Hansen : Russell! Help us! Russell Ziskey : [Russell has just accosted John, who is trying to sneak off the base in the middle of the night Russell has John on the ground] Where do you think you're going? Are you going AWOL?
John Winger : No, I'm deserting. Russell Ziskey : You idiot! You desert now, it's a federal offense! John Winger : I'll take my chances with the feds! Russell Ziskey : You're not going anywhere! Russell Ziskey : You listen to me! You're gonna finish basic training! You're gonna keep your mouth shut, and you're gonna do everything he tells you! You know why? John Winger : [innocently] Why?
Russell Ziskey : Because you talked me into this, you idiot! It was your idea! John Winger : I didn't talk you into this. Russell Ziskey : [drags John back to the ground] I'm gonna kill you, damn you! Where's the great pay? Where's the travel? Where's the Winnebago, Goddamnit! John Winger : [busting himself in the crotch with a suitcase] Oh, my balls! Dowager in Cab : I've never gone this way before. John Winger : Well, I'm sure there's a lot of ways I've gone that you haven't. John Winger : I don't think I've ever been this happy.
John Winger : I've had an interesting morning. In the last two hours I've lost my job, my apartment, my car, and my girlfriend. Russell Ziskey : You still have your health. Sergeant Hulka : Now, since nobody else has got the guts Sergeant Hulka Sergeant Hulka : How's that sound to you, mister?
John Winger : I think it sucks. Dewey Oxburger : It doesn't seem fair. Who cares about fair? The world isn't fair. Truth is fair. Is it fair that you were born like this? They're not expecting somebody like you in there, Ox. They're expected one of these slugs. You're different. You're weird. You're a mutant. You're a killer. You're a trained killer. You're a LEAN Who are you? John Winger : I'm Major Dodge. Captain Hollister : Captain DeSoto. John Winger : Pleasure to meet you, Hollister.
Heard a lot about you. Captain Hollister : Well, I never heard any of you.