Responding to a call, police raid the Philadelphia home of Gary Heidnik and find an appalling crime scene. A fourth woman, Josefina During a radio broadcast dealing with a Senate investigation into communists in the U. Lattimore soon became a central figure in the Live TV.
This Day In History. History Vault. Art, Literature, and Film History. Middle East. Before the news broke of the grim scene, the area was discovered by both Heaven's Gate members and civilians who were supposed to be at the house that day.
In a strange twist, on the morning of the mortuary discovered at that mansion, Lawrence Jimenez was supposed to clean the pool but said he sensed danger and turned back at the gate. He told Inside Edition in he would never return to the home. In , during the 20th anniversary of the discovery, a man who identified himself as a former cult member named Sawyer told Inside Edition that he spent 18 years with Heaven's Gate and reached the rank of "overseer" before leaving in Gilman , R.
Decadence: The strange life of an epithet. Gleick , E. Guglielmo , C. March 31, Web abuzz with talk of suicide cult. Interactive Week. Hale , A. Alan Hale on Hale-Bopp madness. Free Inquiry 17 3 , 6 — 7. Hall , S. Encoding, decoding. During Ed. Haraway , D. A cyborg manifesto: Science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century. In Simians, cyborgs, and women. Simians, cyborgs, and women: The reinvention of nature. Hebdige , D. Subculture: The meaning of style.
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Mumford , L. Technics and civilization. Cult leader believed in space aliens and apocalypse, Cult members were deeply into cyberspace, Tapes left by cult suggest comet was the sign to die [Online]. Cult members had insurance against alien abduction [Online]. Gay advocates say cult leader's sexual orientation didn't cause tragedy [Online]. Negroponte , N. Being Digital. Neuborne , E. Interest in cult causes Internet traffic jams. News and Observer March 30, Heaven's Gate briefs.
Niebuhr , G. On the furthest fringes of millennialism. New York Times. Noble , D. The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention. O'Leary , S. Arguing the apocalypse: A theory of millennial rhetoric. Cyberspace as sacred space: Communicating religion on computer networks. April Heaven's Gate and the culture of popular millennialism [Online]. Center for Millennial Studies. Orange County Register March 28, Parker , G.
Cyberspace: The undiscovered country L. New York: The Learning Channel. Phelan , James S. Looking for: The next world. New York Times Magazine. Postman , N. Amusing ourselves to death: Public discourse in the age of show business. Potz , D. Slate [Online]. Purdum , T. April 4, ABC signs film deal on Heaven's Gate cult. May 7, Former Heaven's Gate member commits suicide.
Quittner , J. Life and death on the Web. Radway , J. Reading the romance: Women, patriarchy, and popular literature. Chapel Hill, N. Raney , R. Manson family Web site: History rewritten by losers. Reno v. Reuters March 29, Rheingold , H. Rant on the occasion of the signing of the Communications Decency Act [Online].
The virtual community: Homesteading on the electronic frontier. Rimm , M. Marketing pornography on the information superhighway. Georgetown Law Journal 83 5. Robinson , W. April 8, The Heaven's Gate suicides: Searching for answers online. Presentation given at Duke University, Durham, N.
Rodriguez , R. Paradise lost. Los Angeles Times. Rucker , R. Rushkoff , D. Internet apocalypse New York Times Syndicate. Sagan , C. The quest for extraterrestrial intelligence. Cosmic Search 1 2 , Said , E. Schwartz , H. Generational change, historical age, calendar page. Schwartz , J. March 29, Characterization of cult strikes an online nerve. Washington Post. Shuch , H. Hale-Bopp claims just don't wash.
Siegel , D. April 11, The Web is ruined and I ruined it. Web Review [Online]. Stoll , C. Silicon snake oil: Second thoughts on the information highway. Stone , A. The war of desire and technology at the close of the mechanical age. Stork , D. HAL's legacy: 's computer as dream and reality. Scientist on the set: An interview with Marvin Minsky. In HAL's legacy. Taylor , M. May 20, Cult survivor thinks there's a reason: Charles Humphrey says he may soon find out what it is.
San Francisco Chronicle. Torgovnick , M. Gone primitive: Savage intellects, modern lives. Turkle , S. Life on the screen: Identity in the age of the Internet. The second self: Computers and the human spirit. Roddenberry, Leary blaze new trails in space after death. Wambaugh , J. Meanwhile, back at the ranch … Time 14 , 34 — Wojcik , D. The end of the world as we know it: Faith, fatalism, and apocalypse in America.
Wolfe , T. What if he is right? In The pump house gang. Zaleski , J. Cyberspace: An annotated conversation with John Perry Barlow. In The soul of cyberspace: How new technology is changing our spiritual lives 27 — The soul of cyberspace: How new technology is changing our spiritual lives. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume 3. Article Contents Abstract. Who Were Heaven's Gate? Decoding the Code. Web Sites Cited in the Article. Heaven's Gate: the End. Her dissertation explores instances of authenticity and identity in popular and virtual culture. In addition to Duke, Ms. They derived a large portion of their income from designing web pages. In the early s, founders Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles — a Texas music teacher and nurse that he met during a stay in a psychiatric institution — renamed themselves Bo and Peep and took a six-month-long road trip across the United States.
Thought Nettles died in , Applewhite kept the group together, and when the Internet was introduced to consumers in the early s, they began using the new technology to share their beliefs with a wider audience. The reclusive group also used it to make a living, deriving a large portion of their income from designing web pages. Applewhite told his acolytes that he was the second coming of Jesus Christ , that God was an alien, and that they were living in the end times.
They read the Bible, especially, Revelation Chapter 11 in the New Testament , a section about two witnesses that would prophecy. But then, in late March , 39 members including Applewhite wearing black track suits and sneakers, ate apple sauce laced with barbiturates and washed it down with vodka.
They then put bags over their heads, purple shrouds over their bodies, and laid down to leave their earthly vehicles behind. Instead, police found their bodies on March 26th, and the images of the white and black Nikes poking out from under a purple cloth would be burned into the eyes of a generation. The cult borrowed a lot of imagery from science fiction Applewhite and Nettles were huge fans of Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind , and they brought some sci-fi to the group — resulting in theories like that Mary had been taken aboard a spaceship and impregnated with Jesus.
They made headlines early on In September , the group visited the small town of Waldport, Oregon, to give a lecture about how U. At first the town thought it was a joke, but soon, 20 people — or about one in 30 residents of the town — packed up, told their loved ones goodbye, and drove off. They had gone to a meeting of about people in Grand Junction, Colorado, who believed they would be visited by alien beings.
The rendezvous never happened, but the congregation did escape with their lives. According to the Times, none of these Oregon residents were among those found in