A level smith is needed to create the armor and you'll also need quite a few fallen dragons under your belt. Once you put the set on, it's time to go to work. Your carrying capacity is increased by 50 points as well as lockpicking becoming 35 percent easier.
Not a bad combination when you have loot to horde. Even when deciding to be an honest customer, prices become 20 percent better. Thieves are quite often looking for the fastest way to the prize.
This armor takes a little more grit as you have to complete all the thieves guild quests and return it to its once-great state. This gorgeous armor isn't just pretty - it's also an incredibly effective shield. It will give you a boost in both stamina and carrying capacity.
If you find yourself near water will find it all the more helpful as you get 60 seconds of Water Breathing ability. Instead of getting the whole set in one, you will need to scour the coast in search of the legendary pirate king's armor. You'll have to accept the ''Deathbrand'' quest beforehand to make the chests appear and complete one of the best sets in Skyrim.
While this set isn't particularly impressive on paper, it comes with a unique set of abilities that are rarely found otherwise. The most useful enchantment means any enemy that attacks physically has a chance of being paralyzed. Another is you absorbing 50 percent of the magicka that's shot at you, who needs defense when you have all these perks?
The only place to acquire the enchanted armor is in the quest ''Unearthed''. Once you have all the pieces you can unlock the fortify enchantment perk that makes the set even stronger. It can be upgraded with a steel ingot at a workbench ; however it does not benefit from any Smithing perks. This means the armor cannot be improved past flawless quality without boosting the Smithing skill over For its weight, this armor offers very little damage protection, and should not be considered as a permanent solution on higher difficulties.
Elder Scrolls Explore. Shellbug Chitin ; perk: Advanced. Forsworn Arrow 00 0cee9e. Forsworn Axe 00 0cc Forsworn Bow 00 0cee9b. Forsworn Staff 00 0fa2c1 00 0cc A gout of fire that does 8 points per second. Forsworn Sword 00 0cade9. Forsworn Armor 00 0d8d Forsworn Armor 00 05d 00 07eaf1. It is only equippable through the console. It has the body of a male Briarheart even when worn by a female.
When worn by a male only your head is visible. Forsworn Boots 00 0d8d4e. Forsworn Gauntlets 00 0d8d Forsworn Headdress 00 0d8d Eastmarch Guard Helmet 00 d. Falkreath Guard's Armor 00 e.
Falkreath Guard's Helmet 00 Iron Ingot ; perk: none. Falkreath Guard's Shield 00 ed. Hjaalmarch Guard's Armor 00 Hjaalmarch Guard's Helmet 00 b. Hjaalmarch Guard's Shield 00 ef. Markarth Guard's Armor 00 Markarth Guard's Helmet 00 Markarth Guard's Shield 00 dc. Pale Guard's Armor 00 Pale Guard's Helmet 00 f.
Pale Guard's Shield 00 f7. Riften Guard's Armor 00 Riften Guard's Helmet 00 Riften Guard's Shield 00 ba. Solitude Guard's Armor 00 0c7f5b. Solitude Guard's Helmet 00 0c7f5c. Solitude Guard's Shield 00 f4. Whiterun Guard's Armor 00 d. Sold by Adrianne Avenicci and Lucan Valerius.
Whiterun Guard's Helmet 00 Whiterun Guard's Shield 00 e0. Windhelm Guard's Shield 00 eb. This is the only armor piece specific to Windhelm guards.
They use Stormcloak Equipment for the rest of their gear. Winterhold Guard's Armor 00 Winterhold Guard's Helmet 00 d. Winterhold Guard's Shield 00 f1. There is only one copy of this shield in the game, found on the guard that patrols Whistling Mine southeast of Winterhold. It can be pickpocketed. If the Imperials have gained control of Winterhold as part of the Civil War or the negotiations during Season Unending then this guard will be replaced by an Imperial Soldier who does not carry the shield.
None of the other Hold guards carry a shield. Imperial Bow 00 Imperial Sword 00 b8. Imperial Light Armor 00 ed9. Imperial Light Boots 00 ed7. Imperial Light Bracers 00 eda. Imperial Light Helmet 00 edb. Imperial Light Shield 00 ab2. Penitus Oculatus Armor 00 0d3ea0.
Penitus Oculatus Boots 00 0d3ea7. Penitus Oculatus Bracers 00 0d3eab. Imperial Armor 00 d5. Imperial Boots 00 d6. Imperial Bracers 00 d4. Imperial Helmet 00 d. This is a full-face version of the Imperial Helmet; there are exactly 3 of them: 1 during Scoundrel's Folly. Imperial Helmet 00 edc.
Imperial Officer's Helmet 00 cf. Found in Alftand Animonculory by searching Sulla Trebatius's pack near the lift. Worn by the Imperial Captain during the quest Unbound. Can be acquired by killing her after following Ralof. Also worn by a Scavenger in a random encounter. Imperial Shield 00 ba. Morag Tong Armor xx ac. Leather ; perk: Advanced. These are worn by Morag Tong assassins. Morag Tong Boots xx ab. Morag Tong Bracers xx ad. Morag Tong Hood xx ae. Silver Sword 00 10aa Especially effective against undead.
Silver weapons do an extra 20 damage per hit to werewolves , werebears DB , and undead , including ghosts and vampires This effect is not considered an enchantment, so silver weapons can be enchanted like any normal unenchanted weapon, though they will always display the text "Especially effective against undead. Using a spell healing, oak flesh while holding a silver weapon negates the extra damage, re-equipping the weapon fixes this. Tested on Special Edition.
Sometimes silver weapons do not show any description text. Silver weapons can not be improved at a grindstone. Silver Greatsword 00 10c6fb. Skaal Boots xx A complete set can be found scattered on a rock ledge next to a skeleton in Highpoint Tower during the quest Old Friends. A coat, gloves and boots can be found on Eydis in Fahlbtharz , just before entering the boilery.
A hat can be found on a barrel in an unmarked location southwest from Hrothmund's Barrow. Skaal Coat xx e. Skaal Gloves xx Skaal Hat xx Fur Boots 00 0a6d7f. These boots and gauntlets are specific to guards and Stormcloaks. Fur Gauntlets 00 0a6d7d. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.
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