In week four, you can think about going back to doing only 10 sets, but increasing the loading to challenge yourself with progressive overloading of the weight, rather than doing 14, 15, or 18 sets of arms in that week which we know is most likely too much volume for most people.
By experimenting with what volumes, loading, and reps help you feel the muscle working during the set and some soreness afterward are all great indicators of optimal and effective range for your training. Curious how to use these principles for chest training?
Sample Arm Workout. The below routine is a 2-day plan. If you are also training back, shoulders, and chest, there is a strong chance you will also be hitting the arms indirectly during movements like bench press, flys, rows, and chin ups. Adding these arm workouts throughout the week will give you just enough training stimulus to see significant results while also allowing for arm recovery and growth remember, arms need to recover.. Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 4 sets of reps use a weight that is near a 12RM for first set, then use that weight for all remaining sets.
Cable Pushdowns: 4 sets of reps use a weight that is near a 15RM for first set, then use that weight for all remaining sets.
Incline Bench Dumbbell Skull Crusher: 4 sets of reps use a weight that is near a 15RM for first set, then use that weight for all remaining sets. Barbell Drag Curl: 4 sets of reps use a weight that is near a 15RM for first set, then use that weight for all remaining sets. If you can achieve a feeling of muscle fullness and direct fatigue, while using fuller ranges of motion, there is a strong chance you will be building muscle.
Be sure to train hard enough to elicit that response, yet not heavy enough that you focus more on moving the weight more than feeling the muscle move the weight… there is a big difference.
Skip to content. Weight Lifting. Try 3 Free Workouts on Fitbod. The right load is one that lets you complete the first 2 sets of 5 reps—but not the third. Do just 5 reps, even if you can do more. Adjust the load accordingly if that's not the case. Over time, once you're able to complete all 5 sets for 5 reps, add pounds to the load and start again. Even a scheme like 5x5 can become stale over time, so there are other options to consider. Choosing a weight at which you fail at 8 or even 12 reps also offers a marginally different training stimulus.
Concurrently adding a fourth set to increase the training volume allows you to vary the stimulus even more. Bill Geiger, MA, has served as a senior content editor for Bodybuilding. View all articles by this author. Bill Geiger April 04, Sponsored By:.
About the Author. Shoot for three sets. Follow this quick workout to build strength in your arms: complete a set of five reps with a heavy weight, making sure that you lower the weight or weights under control. Reduce the weights as you increase the reps with minimal rest. Go from five reps to eight to 12, then work to failure. One of the main roles of the biceps muscles is to externally rotate your wrists, so use this to your advantage during dumbbell curls.
One of the best ways to add muscle size is to get a good pump, and squeezing your biceps at the top of a curl will achieve this. Fully straightening your arm at the bottom of each curl rep ensures you move through the fullest range of motion.
Placing your back against the pad locks your hips into place, putting all the emphasis on your biceps. Start with your palms facing forwards and elbows tucked in to your sides, head up and core muscles tight.
Curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders, pause, then lower slowly under control. By lying back on an incline bench, you maintain the resistance on your biceps throughout the full range of the curl.